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on September 14, 2007 at 9:41:01 pm

Students in CI5410: Welcome to the Depicting Dinkytown wiki.


To ground our discussion of "prewriting" search strategies, we're going to use this site to illustrate having students engaged in search activites and digital ethnography related to studying a specific place or space, in this case, Dinkytown, as well as using a wiki for organizing material.


Please add whatever you can find online to the topics in the sidebar based on your use of search strategies (the password is Loring):


- articles, reviews, reports

- images, video clips (on Flickr, YouTube, etc. make sure they are not copyrighted: in some cases, they have a Creative Commons copyright)

- your own photos or video related to place-based digital ethnography (we'll capture some of this during class, so please bring in your cameras)

- Google Maps

- your own freewriting, field notes, or autobiographical recollections

- Inspiration maps

- whatever else you can find


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